Concessions of the liberal perspective part 1: Morality

Many cases have been reported where christian couples, who own boutique hotels, have turned away homosexual couples, because of their religious convictions. It should be obvious, from previous articles, as to what my stance on religion is and I have homosexual sympathies. Nonetheless i have profound doubts about these cases.

Christian couple who refused to serve a homosexual couple at their hotel.
Christian couple who refused to serve a homosexual couple at their hotel.

It seems to me that what the left is doing is producing a tyrannous new morality that is just as oppressive as the old morality. It’s hidden under the cause of multiculturalism and political correctness. In this day and age, i’m sure, being a homosexual can still be very difficult with the continuous use of playground bullying tactics associated with the negative use of the word “gay” in colloquial language, hidden (this time) under the cloak of the word “banter”. I have a friend who has informed me of what it was like to be gay when the old morality was in place. He describes how he was moved on by police officers at victoria station and how he was in gay club when it was busted by the police. He has been there. It was one of the things that has altered his politics more than anything else.

gay club

It seems to me here that all these people who own hotels, and do not want homosexual couples to stay, need to do is put up a notice stating that this is what they believe. Whilst I feel that their beliefs are nothing more than a joke, we are producing a new tyranny if we force them to do otherwise.

My friend had a mother who was a christian and was passionately hated and opposed his nature. However, he said that this made him what he was today. Being nice and sweet about homosexuals or any minority success story isn’t completely a good thing and it begins to create the exact same oppressive system that our civil rights movements sought to destroy. This hybrid of free speech is beginning to endanger free speech itself. This is another concession of the liberal perspective that needs to be made.

Therefore, having this hand me down, imposed, morality is a very bad idea and we need to be very careful of it.


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